Have you had those moments where you can see yourself over and over not taking action because you are thinking that you are just not good enough. Right away, there is a flow of memories and situations in your life that completely support this thought. Before you can say the word "Go"....you are onto the next thing.
How many times does this happen to you a day and what is it costing you? It's costing you your dreams and it's all based in thought patterns- NOT REALITY! What? What do you mean? I failed in my last relationship, so why should I go out and date again? I started a diet 2 months ago and broke it on day 2, so why should I try to lose weight again?
See, neuroscience actually tells us that toxic thinking is a learned behavior, which implies you can unlearn it.....woah!!! It's an automatic response, only because you have been doing it for so long.
So, wake up and be conscious of when it's happening and you can change it into something positive now. Once I realized that the conversations that I had going on in my mind ALL THE TIME aren't based in reality, but just a brain pattern, then I could just listen to them and watch them go just the same, like a leaf on top of a stream. See them, but not react to them and base my actions on them.
What opens up now? We can create new thoughts, like an artist. A clean canvas lays in front of you and you are able to design what you want from nothing. Try being mindful today and just practice hearing the conversations in the background and for today, practice non- reaction. By the end of the day, take a journal and write down what you noticed. What were some of the conversations that you could hear taking form? Now laugh at each and every one of them- because your brain made them up and they aren't true.
More tomorrow......it's going to be exciting ;-)
Love and light, and YOU deserve to be the total package,