I got a glimpse of my Inner Critic the other day and hadn't actually heard her show up in a while. Just in case you aren't clear what I mean when I say " inner critic", it is that voice that speaks up without being called on and can share some pretty ugly, negative, short sighted thoughts that contain no faith, hope or strength. Got it Now?
Well, she wasn't holdin' back!! On top of that, I was in a place where I was actually listening. I'm clear when this voice is speaking, and can mostly thank her for sharing and move on knowing it's clearly no help to my life. I was tired on this day and was a bit raw from a weekend that was filled with some more emotions than normal. So, I listened and I began believing what she told me. " your not going to meet that special person! Aren't you tired of going out on dates and not being attracted to the guy and just counting the minutes to go home? Isn't is kind of a lost cause? You are also getting kind of old and you aren't the ripest for the picking".
As I went on with my day, I could see myself being on edge, responding to people in a short way, screening calls instead of talking and feeling tired when I had plenty of sleep under my belt. I know I needed a regrouping. I got home, shut the door behind me, took a deep breath and said aloud "Okay, what's going on here? " I was clear within minutes that my inner critic had not just piped in but had taken over the show.
Almost immediately, I felt compelled to sit down and write and this is what I wrote:
Dear Lauren,
I see your soul and I see what's most important to you. You are concerned for people, you are concerned for their happiness. I see how much you want people to get that they are intended to live a life they love and they get to say the way their life goes. I see how much love you have to give and see you share it daily. Your desire to be connected to others, share with them and empower them is such a gift and one that will never be wasted. Your sensitive caring and empathic nature is so special and allows others the space to heal. You have everything you need to transform whatever needs transforming in order to create and live your best life. I see you step into it each and every day. Don't be surprised when you stand inside your best life, the whole package, nothing missing. I see you having love around you because you are a beam of light and love for everyone else. You are plenty, you are enough and you are on a divine path.
That will show my inner critic whose in charge!
This letter just put me right back on my path. I will put myself out there. It's only likely that we get to have the life we want if we already stand in the energy of living that life already. It's not a feeling of longing for, but a feeling that you already have it. Now that my inner critic was no longer running the show, I could get on with it.
Is your Inner Critic running the show today? Try sitting down and writing yourself a letter. A letter you would love to receive and read about you. Answer these questions: what do you know for sure about yourself? What is really important to you as a human being? What are you capable of? What difference do you know that you make in the world? Write it, read it, believe it. You are plenty, you are enough and you are on a divine path.