Thursday, December 6, 2012

10 Days of Namaste Giving For You From Me

This is a preview of "10 Days of Namaste Giving". 
These gifts from me to you are about honoring the divine in you that is the divine in me.  Namaste can be defined in different ways, and for the sake of this project, I am giving you gifts to honor yourself in many different ways over the course of 10 days at the end of this amazing year of 2012.  We always end our class and say to you "Namaste", so I decided that it would be so much fun to end the year by adoring you, bowing to you and sharing with you in a way that is a constant reminder that our essence is all the same.  We are all one.

These are my gifts for you from me because I honor the divine in you.  Everyday for 10 days at the end of this year, I will send you a gift more valuable than anything you may unwrap this year.  These gifts are 10 Secrets that can allow you to unveil the natural state of bliss that exists in all of us. These secrets are actions that I've incorporated into my own life throughout the years. The ways of thinking that I share and exercises I will incorporate have allowed massive shifts to take place in my life. The best part is that it's really all the small action steps that allows the changes to take place and make room for big things to happen.  They are simple and easy and can be incorporated into your life so that you can end this year with a huge bang and create that life you want in 2013!
I'm allowing you to open this one early if you click here!! and sign up for my EZine

You will receive your Preview Gift tomorrow!
You will receive your Namaste Gifts December 21-31st, 2012.

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