Cleansing the system can be as simple as taking one thing out and adding one thing into the diet. Top things to consider taking out for 30 days: dairy products, animal products of any kind, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, processed foods of any kind, sodas, white flour and any white products.
The best cleansing foods to choose are; fresh raw fruits and vegetables, some lightly steamed veggies, nuts and seeds and whole grains only. Incorporate lots of herbal teas as they are hydrating and help flush the body, water, lemon water and fresh juices.
If you eat grains, use only whole grains such as quinoa, wild or basmati rice, and some whole grain sprouted breads like ezekiel and no pasta. Keep in mind that even though they contain some fiber, all grains will slow your cleansing process, so the more you eat, the slower you'll cleanse. This is because they don’t have the enzymes of the raw fruits and veggies and they take longer for you body to digest and break down.
Follow these simple rules and remember to eat no or extremely small amounts of processed food to make your cleanse. If you want to speed up the process of cleansing, many products can help; here are a list: cracked cell chlorella, Wheatgrass, Aloe Vera Gel or Juice, carrot juice, greens rich in chlorophyll. You can find these at Call me for any questions. If you are interested in the Spring Cleanse , let me know. Have fun and you will feel great!
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