Instead of talking about the miracle diet, or the miracle food, what I find myself truly wanting in my life, is for it to be full of joy. I want to feel connected to other people, serving my purpose and to be doing the things that I love. It has been proven time and time again that long term health comes from happiness, true, bottom of the soul, happiness. So, how do we achieve this?
I used to feel that my appetite just had to do with eating. What I've found is that if I truly listen, my appetite tells me what I want and need in other areas of my life as well. If we let our physical appetite take over, we become it's slave. Instead, I've found that when I nurture my relationship to myself, then my greatest desire becomes to seek my purpose and that usually leads to sharing the gifts that I have been given with those around me. Isn't this all of our responsibility? To seek this growth and FEED this piece of our life so that it can grow?
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What is it that you may be willing to do about it?
If we are in touch with our bodies, minds and souls we can feel what makes us happy. I know for me, I spent years searching for my life's' purpose and felt that this search was so difficult. One of the reasons why I choose to practice yoga and eat a 95% Raw Diet, 100% vegan diet with nutrient dense Superfoods is because it brings more joy into my life. I feel clarity about the things that I want and need to do in my life everyday. I feel lighter, I feel energetic and I feel less stress. I have chosen to change my career path and surround myself with happy healthy people. I understand that to continue living a healthy life, these are the things that I must do. People ask me if I feel deprived because I don't eat certain response is that "I deprived myself for years of what made me happy because I wasn't living this way" . Everyone needs to find their own purpose in their own way, but I know for a fact that the cleaner your diet is, the better you will feel.
It just makes things a whole lot easier when we are able to act rather than REact to the things that go on in our lives everyday. It also brings people TO us instead of away from us because we have the kind of energy that people want to be around.
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What are you willing to do about it?
Here's to Living Food, Living Yoga and Living the Best Life Ever!
Lauren Golen
President and Founder
Raw Bliss LLC
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