Sunday, December 23, 2012

Create Inspiration and You Will Be Inspired

My gift to you :

Create inspiration and you will always be inspired


 It's actually automatic and creates a domino affect for you and the people you inspire.  I'm pretty sure it's impossible to be an inspiration and then find yourself a second later thinking to yourself, "I'm not having a good day....or "life sucks".  It's almost funny to even think of that.


Think about it for a second.... When were you an inspiration to someone recently?  Did you help your child with his or her homework or tell your child you love them.  Did you call and friend to say how much they mean to you.  Did you tell someone "yes, you can" when they were telling you "I don't think I can do this".  Did you tell your boss "thanks", or an employee "You are doing an excellent job and I appreciate you".  How did that make you feel?  If you are sitting there, and you cannot think of anything, don't worry.  That's exactly why I'm giving  you this gift.

 It's so easy too.  In a millisecond, you can create inspiration.

 Try this exercise and you will create inspiration today:


1.  Choose your medium of communication.


It could be in person, by phone, or social media (a posting on Facebook or blog).  In other words, you want to get the communication out there so that it's making a difference.


2. The inspiration is what inspires YOU


you don't have to sit and think, "what inspires people?"  All you have to know is what inspires you and that's what comes forth that you share.  It's funny, the things that people respond to the most when I share, whether it's something in person with friends or a post on my blog, is when I share from a deep place.  Usually even something that I feel very vulnerable to share. I remember after I shared my story about my eating disorder for the first time in an article that I sent out.  I had so many people get in touch with me and share how much it meant to them, and more than that, they shared their stories with me. Some even shared things with me things they told me they had never even told anyone.  WOW!  Give people permission to share their secrets and you have freed them!!!  So, I'll throw this in.....take a risk!

By the way, it's inspiring to tell someone you love them.  Don't think too hard, because if it inspires you...that's it!  You've got it!

You can inspire ONE person and that's enough.  That's where the domino effect comes in because after you've warmed their heart, they are charged up to pay it forward....automatically.


3.  Recognize the power or ONE person (You) and

see what you've created and sent out into the world


I know personally, I've come across specific times and topics in my life that bring forth that part of my mind that says "I can't make a difference in this area" or "This is hopeless", or the biggest pitfall (in my opinion), "Someone else will do it". However, you can always make a difference.  I couldn't prevent recent tragedies from occurring in the world, but I can reach out to people I love and see how they are.  I can be a reliable source of listening so that people can feel heard. It's YOU!  It's always YOU that can do something.  After you have been an inspiration, wallow in it.  Most likely, if not always, you will already be thinking of something else to do to ignite inspiration once again.


If you try this exercise and would like to share your experience with me.... Share with Lauren Here





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