Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 2 of of Namaste Giving:

Change Your Mind


 My gift to you is to change your mind ;-))

 What do you mean change my mind? In other words, I changed my mind and I'm having a peach instead of a banana. Not exactly. I'm talking about changing the way you think. The way your mind wraps itself around a specific area in your life and holds on for dear life and doesn't let go. Especially when it's not even an area that is working very well for you. What I am referring to is even as radical as changing your personality.

 After a long while, it's common for people to think they don't even have a choice in specific areas of their life, because they have given up or become complacent deciding, “it’s just the way it is”. A simple example is that a friend called me the other day and I asked how his day was and he said "I'm stressed". I asked him what he was stressed about and let him go on for a about a minute. I then said "You don't have to be stressed. You can change your mind". He responded, "Oh yeah, if it was only that easy". Funny thing is that it is that easy, but only if he wanted to make that decision. This point will really annoy some people because if they don't want to see that they have that much responsibility in the way their life has gone and will continue to go, they won't want to read this.

 Bikram Choudry who designed the Bikram's yoga series which is done all over the world says "having doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it. In all the years of our life, we don't use even 3% of our bodies capabilities". He goes on to say "it doesn't matter how healthy you are if your mind is not under control. Your mind can make you Buddha, Hitler, Mother Theresa, Osama Bin Laden. Your mind is supposed to be your best friend, but in most cases it is your number one enemy."

However, In order to do this, it takes letting go of the old and bringing "nada" and "zip" to a common situation. You must be willing to completely start from scratch. It's so ordinary to be stressed in a "stressful situation", but what if you brought nothing. So, for instance, if I asked my friend that was stressed to bring "nada" to his situation at work, what could he create from that place? Could he be more helpful to those around him by having a calm energy? Could he be more available for everything that needed to get done in a calm state rather than having adrenaline pumping through his veins? Could he possibly start enjoying his job? What if he just changed his mind and decided not to be stressed?

 It's possible if you say it's possible. It has to start there.

My gift for you today, is to let go and change your mind. Choose an area where you could admit that it just hasn't been working and change your mind. You are in charge.


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