When I think about all the time that I have spent in my life looking at other people to imitate or to guide me in the direction of how to live my life, it is amazing to me. As I progressed on this path further and woke up one day feeling completely lost, I knew something needed to give. Shortly after, I found myself in a room of people sharing my pain, confusion, anger and resentment and although I felt so bad, I was relieved that they were MY feelings and that I had a voice.
In all this time of looking out, what I was really doing was looking for something to identify with, something to help me better understand myself, something that could keep me from having to go within, yet within was where I needed to go to find what I was looking for.
Now that I spend more time looking inside for my inner voice, I am so relieved because that is where the truth really is and the best guidance comes from within. The best part, is that I get to share this voice with others and support them to go within as well. In revealing my deepest self, I help others to unleash their true self....
When I make a genuine attempt to describe where I am in my life and what I have experienced, I open my heart to meaningful communication and support. It's so empowering and brings me so much happiness and strength to connect with others on this level.

I am a Teacher and Lover of Bikram Yoga. I am also a Kick Butt Ceritifed Life Coach, Health Coach. I am always inspired by inspiring others and being a beam of light. My true divine purpose and passion is to inspire others to design and live a life they are in love with along with being in love with themselves. Author in the making!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
No need to be Extreme: Cleansing Can Be Very Simple
Cleansing the system can be as simple as taking one thing out and adding one thing into the diet. Top things to consider taking out for 30 days: dairy products, animal products of any kind, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, processed foods of any kind, sodas, white flour and any white products.
The best cleansing foods to choose are; fresh raw fruits and vegetables, some lightly steamed veggies, nuts and seeds and whole grains only. Incorporate lots of herbal teas as they are hydrating and help flush the body, water, lemon water and fresh juices.
If you eat grains, use only whole grains such as quinoa, wild or basmati rice, and some whole grain sprouted breads like ezekiel and no pasta. Keep in mind that even though they contain some fiber, all grains will slow your cleansing process, so the more you eat, the slower you'll cleanse. This is because they don’t have the enzymes of the raw fruits and veggies and they take longer for you body to digest and break down.
Follow these simple rules and remember to eat no or extremely small amounts of processed food to make your cleanse. If you want to speed up the process of cleansing, many products can help; here are a list: cracked cell chlorella, Wheatgrass, Aloe Vera Gel or Juice, carrot juice, greens rich in chlorophyll. You can find these at www.rawblisssuperfoods.com. Call me for any questions. If you are interested in the Spring Cleanse , let me know. Have fun and you will feel great!
The best cleansing foods to choose are; fresh raw fruits and vegetables, some lightly steamed veggies, nuts and seeds and whole grains only. Incorporate lots of herbal teas as they are hydrating and help flush the body, water, lemon water and fresh juices.
If you eat grains, use only whole grains such as quinoa, wild or basmati rice, and some whole grain sprouted breads like ezekiel and no pasta. Keep in mind that even though they contain some fiber, all grains will slow your cleansing process, so the more you eat, the slower you'll cleanse. This is because they don’t have the enzymes of the raw fruits and veggies and they take longer for you body to digest and break down.
Follow these simple rules and remember to eat no or extremely small amounts of processed food to make your cleanse. If you want to speed up the process of cleansing, many products can help; here are a list: cracked cell chlorella, Wheatgrass, Aloe Vera Gel or Juice, carrot juice, greens rich in chlorophyll. You can find these at www.rawblisssuperfoods.com. Call me for any questions. If you are interested in the Spring Cleanse , let me know. Have fun and you will feel great!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Spiritual Growth through Engaging in Healthy Eating
I can remember years where I used food to numb out. I walked around feeling tired, unable to look people in the eyes, irritable and overall, very lost. I didn't feel passionate about anything because I didn't FEEL. I covered up all my feelings by starving myself or binging on toxic foods so that I didn't have to feel the things that were coming up for me in my life. After I sought support and learned about my eating disorder, I learned about what I was trying to cover up. I began eating a clean and healthy diet and practicing yoga. Instead of covering up how I felt, I learned to release my emotions and seek support. Most importantly, I learned how to get outside of my self centeredness and help others. What a concept!! In moments where I was having a hard time, I reached out and started doing things for others in need. Immediately, I felt better.....every time! Because I was no longer disgusted with myself, I could engage and connect with other people. My growth showed up in every area of my life and I felt more alive.
I know for a fact, in my own experience, that I feel the benefits of eating a plant based diet in that I feel alive and full of energy. Our bodies take in the light from the plants that are stored from the sunlight in their leaves and the nutrients from depths of the earth. Over a period of time, we can truly get that feeling of being "grounded" and "light" through the plant based foods we consume.
Today, I am grateful for my life and all it has to offer. Through my willingness to grow spiritually and consume a diet that is high in Living plant based foods, I am providing my body with what it needs to stay connected to the universe and my purpose. I show up and I share what I have learned through the adversity I experienced and I allow others to heal themselves through these teachings.
What an incredible gift!
I know for a fact, in my own experience, that I feel the benefits of eating a plant based diet in that I feel alive and full of energy. Our bodies take in the light from the plants that are stored from the sunlight in their leaves and the nutrients from depths of the earth. Over a period of time, we can truly get that feeling of being "grounded" and "light" through the plant based foods we consume.
Today, I am grateful for my life and all it has to offer. Through my willingness to grow spiritually and consume a diet that is high in Living plant based foods, I am providing my body with what it needs to stay connected to the universe and my purpose. I show up and I share what I have learned through the adversity I experienced and I allow others to heal themselves through these teachings.
What an incredible gift!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Florida Health Expo was Fantastic!
I met so many wonderful people yesterday at the Expo. I had a great time with the Living & Green Food Demos and I know that I said that I would follow up with some information for everyone.
Here are the recipes that I promised and I hope that you all enjoy them. Also, you will see on my blog that there is the Saladacco that I used to make the Zuchini Spaghetti. Click on the picture and it will take you to your ordering page. Enjoy shopping for many other great kitchen items at Raw Food World.
Here are the recipes that I promised and I hope that you all enjoy them. Also, you will see on my blog that there is the Saladacco that I used to make the Zuchini Spaghetti. Click on the picture and it will take you to your ordering page. Enjoy shopping for many other great kitchen items at Raw Food World.
Zuchini Pasta with Rich Tomato Sauce
2 Zuchini
2 Tomatoes
1 cup sundried tomatoes- soaked until soft (1/2 hour to hour)
1 tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil
4 leaves basil
2 dates, soaked
Cut the zuchini in half and flat on both ends to use in the saladacco. Make the spaghetti and place in bowl. Place all sauce ingredients in the food prodessor and blend. It will remain chunky after about a minute. Use pulse on your food processor. Pour on top of the zuchini. Bliss!!
Cauliflower Mash
1 head Cauliflower
1/4 cup cold pressed organic olive oil
sea salt to taste
pepper to taste
Put all ingredients in the food processor and blend until smooth. You can use a blender for this recipe if it is heavy duty (3 speeds).
The Purium Products on the table yesterday can be found at www.rawblisssuperfoods.com and the products I recommend to clients for first time orders are the Kamut Blend, Apothe-cherry, and the Power shake. You can stay under $50 with shipping if you order the first two mentioned.
The manufacturer of those products, David Sandoval, will be speaking on April 29th at Wyndham Garden Hotel. All details can be found at www.meetup.com/palmbeachraw where you can RSVP and register to reserve your seat. Don't miss this event if you are interested in your health, anti aging, hearing about how people have relieved themselves of dis-ease and pain in their lives through diet and nutrition. Join our Meetup to find out about the best Health Related Events going on in Palm Beach.
I have 4 FREE tickets left for those that are interested to the Event described above. Be the first to email me and I will put you on the VIP list and leave your ticket at the door. YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF OUR MEETUP TO WIN THE TICKET.
It's going to be so much fun.....and yes, there will some special Raw Snacks there!
I can't wait to see you all soon! Enjoy the recipes and email me with any questions you have!
Lauren Golen
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Simple Kale Recipe
I love this recipe for 3 reasons: it's simple and quick, it tastes delicious and everytime I eat it I know I am doing incredible things for my body. I actually had it for breakfast this morning!
1 Bunch of Kale
1-2 TBSP olive Oil
1-2 TBSP Braggs Amino Acids
Sprinkle Hemp Seeds on Tops
I add Sunflower Seed Sprouts for added protein and yumminess and sometimes shredded carrots and Scallion
1 Bunch of Kale
1-2 TBSP olive Oil
1-2 TBSP Braggs Amino Acids
Sprinkle Hemp Seeds on Tops
I add Sunflower Seed Sprouts for added protein and yumminess and sometimes shredded carrots and Scallion
Saturday, April 11, 2009
We can Actually Increase our Joy by Keeping Our Bodies Clean
Before we find a clean way of eating, and for me this is eating a high raw, all vegan diet.......many of us felt depressed and moody much of the time. The combination of too much food and too little inspiration is lethal. We existed and we did what we had to do day in and day out, but there was a lack of joy. It was almost as if we were sleepwalking through life.
When we get the poisons out of our systems from toxic foods and refined and processed foods, we begin to feel alive, more vibrant, free from the addictions that bound us. We are also relieved by some of the things like anger, fear and resentment and negative emotions that have poisoned our lives. Deep joy can only come from a very deep part of ourselves. This can only be reached if we are living from a place where we are taking care of our bodies and where we can be in touch with our higher power.
I am so thankful today for the joy I am able to experience because I take care of my body. I hope you join me in this journey.
When we get the poisons out of our systems from toxic foods and refined and processed foods, we begin to feel alive, more vibrant, free from the addictions that bound us. We are also relieved by some of the things like anger, fear and resentment and negative emotions that have poisoned our lives. Deep joy can only come from a very deep part of ourselves. This can only be reached if we are living from a place where we are taking care of our bodies and where we can be in touch with our higher power.
I am so thankful today for the joy I am able to experience because I take care of my body. I hope you join me in this journey.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What is Your Appetite Telling You?
Instead of talking about the miracle diet, or the miracle food, what I find myself truly wanting in my life, is for it to be full of joy. I want to feel connected to other people, serving my purpose and to be doing the things that I love. It has been proven time and time again that long term health comes from happiness, true, bottom of the soul, happiness. So, how do we achieve this?
I used to feel that my appetite just had to do with eating. What I've found is that if I truly listen, my appetite tells me what I want and need in other areas of my life as well. If we let our physical appetite take over, we become it's slave. Instead, I've found that when I nurture my relationship to myself, then my greatest desire becomes to seek my purpose and that usually leads to sharing the gifts that I have been given with those around me. Isn't this all of our responsibility? To seek this growth and FEED this piece of our life so that it can grow?
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What is it that you may be willing to do about it?
If we are in touch with our bodies, minds and souls we can feel what makes us happy. I know for me, I spent years searching for my life's' purpose and felt that this search was so difficult. One of the reasons why I choose to practice yoga and eat a 95% Raw Diet, 100% vegan diet with nutrient dense Superfoods is because it brings more joy into my life. I feel clarity about the things that I want and need to do in my life everyday. I feel lighter, I feel energetic and I feel less stress. I have chosen to change my career path and surround myself with happy healthy people. I understand that to continue living a healthy life, these are the things that I must do. People ask me if I feel deprived because I don't eat certain things.....my response is that "I deprived myself for years of what made me happy because I wasn't living this way" . Everyone needs to find their own purpose in their own way, but I know for a fact that the cleaner your diet is, the better you will feel.
It just makes things a whole lot easier when we are able to act rather than REact to the things that go on in our lives everyday. It also brings people TO us instead of away from us because we have the kind of energy that people want to be around.
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What are you willing to do about it?
Here's to Living Food, Living Yoga and Living the Best Life Ever!
Lauren Golen
President and Founder
Raw Bliss LLC
I used to feel that my appetite just had to do with eating. What I've found is that if I truly listen, my appetite tells me what I want and need in other areas of my life as well. If we let our physical appetite take over, we become it's slave. Instead, I've found that when I nurture my relationship to myself, then my greatest desire becomes to seek my purpose and that usually leads to sharing the gifts that I have been given with those around me. Isn't this all of our responsibility? To seek this growth and FEED this piece of our life so that it can grow?
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What is it that you may be willing to do about it?
If we are in touch with our bodies, minds and souls we can feel what makes us happy. I know for me, I spent years searching for my life's' purpose and felt that this search was so difficult. One of the reasons why I choose to practice yoga and eat a 95% Raw Diet, 100% vegan diet with nutrient dense Superfoods is because it brings more joy into my life. I feel clarity about the things that I want and need to do in my life everyday. I feel lighter, I feel energetic and I feel less stress. I have chosen to change my career path and surround myself with happy healthy people. I understand that to continue living a healthy life, these are the things that I must do. People ask me if I feel deprived because I don't eat certain things.....my response is that "I deprived myself for years of what made me happy because I wasn't living this way" . Everyone needs to find their own purpose in their own way, but I know for a fact that the cleaner your diet is, the better you will feel.
It just makes things a whole lot easier when we are able to act rather than REact to the things that go on in our lives everyday. It also brings people TO us instead of away from us because we have the kind of energy that people want to be around.
So, for today, ask yourself, what is your appetite telling you? What is it that you need? What are you willing to do about it?
Here's to Living Food, Living Yoga and Living the Best Life Ever!
Lauren Golen
President and Founder
Raw Bliss LLC
Friday, April 3, 2009
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